The Sand Bunker

Just another Blog by anDru

Archive for the month “August, 2008”

Madonna Wears Bathrobe in German Airport

Madonna the material girls flies out of Berlin and was spotted wearing a white bathrobe and a black sneaker at the Berlin airport. She is on Tour in Berlin.


Ten Minutes Exercise For Better Health

Most of us will find it hard to find time to go for an exercise or workout due to our busy time at work and home. We can simply find an easy excuse not do any exercise because of our busy schedules but this in fact will bring more arm to us.

Not only exercise is good for our health but it also can lift our energy and lower down our stress. Working nine to five sitting in front of the computer is enough to stress anyone plus attending those endless meetings will bring more stressful moments than one can handle in a day. 

An article that I found a few days ago giving some wonderful tips to do some ten minutes exercise while you at at work. You can do it while you are at a lunch break or any intervals that you feel you need to take a break of and get on with your exercise. Here are some of the useful tips.

Take a walk to the other side of the office. Walking often describe as the best known light exercise and taking a few walks to the other ends of other floors without using the elevators can be a form of exercise. Even when you need to pass a document urgently you may want to run a bit faster to burn up some of those calories.

Do the push ups. People do push ups at the gym or at their homes. In the office we can do the wall push ups. It may look very funny at first, but try to invite a friend or a colleagues to do it with you, it may become something fun to do. Wall push up is not like the floor push ups and you can do some ten to twenty push ups at one time.

Stretching. After hours of sitting in front of the computer, we need to do stretching. Stretching not only relax your muscles but also your mind. When we are tired we start to feel sleepy and our mind are not focus on our work. Stretching can lift up our energy back . Stretching can be easily done while we are sitting on our chair. Simply pull out you hand and stretch your muscles for a few seconds. Another good one is to do the golf swing position with your hand holding the other side shoulder while your eye looking at the fully stretched hand. Keep this position for a few second to let the blood flow to the part of the body. After that you will feel very much fresh and full of energy again.

Bring some weight to work. You can bring some weight or any exercise balls to work. You can work the same way you do at the gym while using the dumb bells. 

You can try to do this two to three times a day while in the office and you will soon realize that you have lost those stubborn pound from the weighing scales and you become the person who are full of energy again.

Butterflies Photos

After some many posts on the recent political issues, I decided to post some other topic, that is regarding photography or rather just to share some of the photos I took today. These photos were taken with an entry level DSLR Canon 400D with a EF50mm f/1.8 lens. 

Happy Merdeka to all Malaysians

Wishing all Malaysians a Happy Merdeka. Lets move forward and strive to achieve our dreams and goals.

Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim is back to Parliament

After an absence for 10 years, Anwar Ibrahim is making a comeback to the parliament on the 28th August 2008. How things have changed since the last time Anwar was in parliament. Obviously there are a lot of changes. Anwar is now sitting at the opposition seat and as the opposition leader too. That may well be changing in the course of time when there could be some changing in the sitting position where he could be well on the opposite side if things goes well with his plan. 

From now there will be a lot of changes in the parliament and with the addition of Anwar Ibrahim things will be getting more interesting and especially after the huge support from the recent Permatang Pauh election, a lot is expected from the people to the man whom people believe will bring changes to the country. Is he the alternative for the present leader or is he the one who can really lead the country. We all know the calibre of Anwar Ibrahim since his days of the deputy prime minister. Who could deny that he was the perfect man to replace Dr. Mahathir after the later retirement. 

Now that he is back, many expect him to take it from where he left it. Like what was said during the Permatang Pauh campaign , its now or never.

IPhone Girl Beauty Mystery

Many of the netizens are wondering who the photo of a chinese factory worker that showed up in an Iphone bought by a consumer in Britain. Probably the photo was meant for the testing and was not intended for anything else. Dubbed as the Iphone beauty the girl suddenly became an overnight ‘celebrity’ although her identify is yet to be revealed.

It seem that the small mistake has lead to a beautiful mistake. Or was it some kind of fate. The girl could end up making more money than she could have imagine if her real identity is known with this little accidental beautiful mistake.

The day after Permatang Pauh Election

A day after the result of the Permatang Pauh election, everyone coming back to their work and life goes on as usual. The result was much to everyone expectation and their choice Anwar Ibrahim has won with a very convincing majority. The voters turnout was more than reported earlier where 80% of the voters have done their duty in this by election. As early as 7.00 PM last night, the unofficial result was already known and in fact many would agreed that the outcome was very clear during the last laps of the campaigns.

The attention now is what will happen next. Will the changes the people are hoping for will ever come true. This is the question that is going to play in the people’s mind, their everyday topic during their tea break and this would be the flavor of most conversation for the next few days or weeks. These questions will be answered in the next few days when Anwar makes his comeback to the parliament which will mark a new chapter in Malaysian politic.

For Permatang Pauh life will goes on like before, they have performed their duty, a duty that the whole is watching and they have done it as expected. Permatang Pauh will remain in memories of hundred of thousands of people for the last few days, many have not heard the place or where it is. Many met new friends, new experiences and hoping for a new life. We do hope this chapter will not just end like the election campaign, it will not go when the posters are cleared from the street. It will remain not only in Permatang Pauh but to everyone who are hoping for the better in life. 

Cuban Tae Kwan Do kick gets life ban

Another not so good scene we saw during the Beijing Olympic is the kungfu style kick by a Cuban Tae Kwan Do athlete that landed on the Swedish referee face resulting in a life ban for the Cuban, Angel Matos and also his coach. The referee needed some stitches after that. Hopefully this incident will not happen again in future for the spirit of olympic.

The Polling Day of Permatang Pauh Election

Finally today is the day where the people of Permatang Pauh will go out to vote and choose the leader of the country. This time it is not just another election, it is the election, an election to bring some great changes to the political scenes in Malaysia. The seat in Permatang Pauh was purposely vacant to make way for Anwar Ibrahim to enter the parliament.

The morning of August 26 have come. It is another fine morning with some scattered clouds but it will not cause any harm to the voters. Many will remember this morning and this day for the rest of Malaysian history, the day people making changes, the day they are making some important decision not only for them but for their future generations and for the country to move forward. Today is the day.

The folks of Permatang Pauh must know that they have a very important task to do and the decision lies in their hand. For the rest of the nation, we will just have to wait and see for the result to come. Everyone has who in their that could win, but the whole episodes of the 2 weeks campaigns will actually tell us what kind of result we will see.

The last lap of campaign held last night showed the support was so tremendous in favor of Anwar Ibrahim. Some estimated that the crowd could numbered to few tens of thousands and again the word in the street itself will tell us that Anwar should come out in victory. One could almost see that everyone in town are with Anwar. BN seem to be running out of gas in the last final lap. This time it is very clear whom the people decide, it is Anwar Ibrahim.

Today also is a holiday for the rest of Penang. For those non voters let us wait and see and with the extra day off, we can do something that we long to do, while the Permatang Pauh folks are casting their votes. Like was said night ‘It’s now or never’.

Final Lap of Permatang Pauh Election

We came to the final day before the poling day on the 26th August 2008. Today itself many employees and workers received some good news that tomorrow will be a public holiday but some are just too excited to be happy when they heard the good news. Most of their attentions are on Permatang Pauh itself although they may not be the voters from that area. Nevertheless many want to know the latest situation and who is leading at the moment. Words from the street saying that Anwar Ibrahim ia having an edge over the other candidates and even bookmakers are putting very high odds on him, something like a football match between Manchester United and a second division team and some more MU is having home ground advantage.

We hardly see any impact made by the BN candidate except some news from the TV and some major newspapers but there is not much of him heard especially from the street. Some said that he may lose his deposit this time around, but we know that there are some strong BN grassroots still exists in Permatang Pauh.

Who are the voters in Permatang Pauh and what are they made of? They are made of Anwar Ibrahim loyal supporters from all group of races. The Chinese, Indian and the urban Malays are all behind Anwar Ibrahim as the people now want someone like Anwar Ibrahim to be in parliament and to be the next prime minister. There maybe some rural folks who are still too loyal to UMNO and BN but many believe that the tradition has slowly changed. People change and so is the country.

Permatang Pauh with the people of Penang will decide tomorrow who will come out victory and we just only hope that no untoward incident will happen tomorrow regardless of what is the results. Politics is just like any other competition, there will be losers and there will be winners. At the end of the day the ultimate winner is the people themselves, the voters and not the party or any individual. Whoever won will need to prove to the people why he deserve to win and that is just another bigger battle that he must challenge, even bigger than this election itself.


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