The Sand Bunker

Just another Blog by anDru

Archive for the category “Photography”

Love Lane in black and white

This is Love Lane in Penang taken in black and white

Munthri Street

Another shot at QE2 Penang during sunrise


Sunset at Permatang Damar Laut

The sunset at Permatang Damar Laut Penang. This is the best time of the year to view the sunset from Permatang Damar Laut as it is not block by the hills on the west side of the island. The weather was extremely nice with few clouds decorating the sky to make it even more beautiful. PDL15112012

Chew Jetty sunrise


Rays of hope


Stunning rays of lights from the sunshine just at sunrise bringing new hope.Rays of Hope

The vending machine


Start back my street photography and decided to take a shot on a vending machine. It is much easier than taking human photos._MG_9765-Edit-Edit1

The building in HDR

Building processed in HDRPranakan

Morning at Queensbay

It is one of the morning when things does not look so right but it turned out to be right instead. I took this with long exposure of about 20 seconds and managed to get the water looks so still. It is one of those shots that I will never forget.Sunrise from Queensbay Mall Penang

Here come the sun

Another beautiful sunrise

The fiery sunset

Sunset can come in many forms, depend on the sky and the clouds. This is one of the moment where the sunset looks like the sky is burning. The sea too turning to red from the reflection and for a few moment everything seem to be so scary as if the sky is going to burst into flame. But moments later everything just gone like it was blown away by the wind and sky turns dark just like any other night.
Sunset at Permatang Damar Laut

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