The Sand Bunker

Just another Blog by anDru

Archive for the month “July, 2009”

Total Solar Eclipse Images

Some of the most beautiful images during the solar eclipse.

Has the recession starts to ease

When I read the paper this morning and flipped through the classified section, it seems that the job market has recovered. There are more job advertised in the paper today than it was a month ago and we could simply hope that the worse could be over. There are however many people who still thinks that the situation is far from over but who can blame them after suffering from such a bad crisis.

Today is a beautful Saturday and it was fun watching people getting along with their lives and without realizing it people are getting back to their normal lives. There are people who are getting marry and in fact I was invited to one wedding sometimes this month and that ocassion alone can bring a little impact to the local economy. People will need to buy new clothes and new shoes for the the dinner and it is a good sign for people to gain confidence to spend again.

Now it is a good time to spend. If you have save enough cash during the last few months perhaps you can reward yourself with some gadgets you always dream of, like the new Iphone or simply change your old cell phone. You may want to get a new laptop or a new car as these items are on a good bargained price now.

Happy shopping

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